Day 1 of 3 Days Prayer & Fasting
Apr 13, 2022 • Pastor Joe Asmah
Overcoming by the Blood┃(Day 1) We Overcome by the Blood┃Revelation 12:11 | Job 5:12
Prayer Schedule: 5:30am, 12pm, 8pm (on Zoom)
1. Appropriate the blood of Jesus as a covering to protect and defend you against Satanic schemes.
2. Raise the blood as a spiritual weapon to cancel any plot of premature death in the church.
3. Stand in the power of the blood and refute any negative, wicked, bloodthirsty spirit that has lifted evil tongue against House of Restoration.
Welcome to Prayer & Fasting during this Holy Week, as we commemorate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. All prayer sessions will be on the Battle Axe Prayer Line: (605) 315 4162, with the exception of Wednesday night prayer at 8pm being on Zoom: 517 232 7253.