Day 2 of 7 Days of Glory
The Finisher's Grace┃(Day 2) Surround Us with Your Glory oh God┃Deuteronomy 8: 6-8, Isaiah 42: 9
Prayer Schedule: 5:30am, 12pm, 6pm, 11:30pm
▪ Pray for an unusual testimony in the closing days of the year.
▪ Pray for God’s uncommon favor to surround us, and to bring us into a good land of brooks and water, of fountains and springs as the year comes to an end.
▪ Pray and ask God to do a new thing in your life in this month of December.
▪ Implore the glory of God to be a covering over us and lead us by fire as we set forth into the coming year.
▪ Pray that anything that is yours but is in the hands of your enemies will be full recovered before the end of the year 2021
Please note that all prayer meetings will be on the Battle Axe Prayer Line. The only exception is on Friday, December 3rd, we will have a Prophetic Encounter Full Service at 8PM at House of Restoration.
May He surround you with His Glory today!