Day 9 of 21 Days

Jan 10, 2023    Pastor Joe Asmah

(Theme) New Chapters of Exploits┃(Week 2) Interceding for Others┃(Day 9) Interceding for the Unsaved┃2 Peter 3:9┃Acts 1:8┃Luke 9:1-2

Prayer Schedule: 5:30am, 12pm, IN PERSON DAILY 7pm (Mon- Gen Next; Tues- Women; Wed- EVERYONE; Thurs- Men; Fri- EVERYONE)


• Pray for all the unsaved souls in your family and friend-group and loose them from Satan's power so they will be born- again.

• Overthrow every adversary that may block souls from coming to church.

• Pray that anyone who has backslidden will be convicted by the Holy Spirit and be restored back into the faith.

• Pray for utterance and boldness to declare God's word wherever you are.

• Decree and command a release of unconverted souls from the north, south, east, and west, to be drawn to the Church.

• Pray for the passion and grace of Christ to win unsaved souls in your family.

• Pray that the Holy Spirit shall strengthen and empower all new converts and help them to grow in Biblical doctrine and be grounded in the faith.

The points can be also found on the "HOME" tab of the Church App and in the "MEDIA" tab.

Please note that all prayer meetings will be on the Battle Axe Prayer Line. The only exception is each day, we will meet IN PERSON at House of Restoration, 7pm, according to the fellowship group you belong in. Today, WOMEN will meet to pray

*ACCESS TO PRAYERLINE. In your App Store, you can download "Free Conference Call". The link is also below:

Once you have downloaded it, the meeting ID is "battle-axe".