Day 1- Thanking God for His Preservation
3 Days Prayer and Fasting | Wed. Nov 2- Fri. Nov 4, Fasting from food 6 am- 6 pm | Day 1: "Thanking God for His Preservation"
Scriptures: Psalm 40:1-17
• Thank the Lord for giving you safety in these last 10 months of the Year 2022
• Thank the Lord for divine health and wellness for your family, friends, Pastors, Church.
• Humble yourself before God and ask Him to forgive you of all your sins and cry out to Him for Mercy.
• Ask the Holy Spirit to baptize you by fire and fill you with His power to finish well and not faint.
• Pray for renewed strength and the finisher's grace to end the year stronger than you began.
• Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to give us a revival and set us on fire for His glory.
Fasting is from 6 am- 6 pm. Please meet us tonight and Thursday at 11 PM for MIDNIGHT PRAYER in person AT HOUSE OF RESTORATION. On Friday, in- person prayers are from 10 PM - 12 AM. Please note that all other prayer meetings will be on the Battle Axe Prayer Line, 5:30 am and 12 pm.
You can access our morning and afternoon prayer sessions by 1. Downloading Free Conference Call from your App Store and entering the meeting ID: battle-axe OR 2. Dialing (605) 313-4162 and entering the access code: 373978.
God bless you!