Day 3 of 3 Days Prayer & Fasting

Apr 29, 2022    Pastor Joe Asmah

Greater Grace┃(Day 3) ┃ Isaiah 40:29-31
Prayer Schedule: 5:30am, 12pm | Fasting: 6AM-6PM

1. Ask the Lord to give us greater grace for greater ministry with signs and wonders following us.
2. Ask the Lord for greater grace and fresh strength to soar like an eagle.
3. Pray that the Lord will set loose anyone that is bound and give us freedom as we end the Month of April and enter the Month of May.
4. Pray that God who blesses and rewards those that wait on Him, will shower you with every blessing He has prepared for you to maximize your God given potential.

Please note that all prayer meetings will be on the Battle Axe Prayer Line, 5:30 am and 12 pm. However, on Friday we are kicking off Maximize at 7 PM.

You can access our morning and afternoon prayer sessions by 1. Downloading Free Conference Call from your App Store and entering the meeting ID: battle-axe OR 2. Dialing (605) 313-4162 and entering the access code: 373978.

God bless you!