Day 2 of 21 Days

Jan 3, 2023    Pastor Joe Asmah

(Theme) New Chapters of Exploits┃(Week 1) Knowing God ┃(Day 2) Sanctification & Consecration┃ Psalm 66:18-20 ; Hebrews 12:1

Prayer Schedule: 5:30am, 12pm, IN PERSON DAILY 7pm (Mon- Gen Next; Tues- Women; Wed- EVERYONE; Thurs- Men; Fri- EVERYONE)

▪ Pray and ask the Lord to consecrate you by His blood and present you blameless before Him as you seek His face.

▪ Ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart and mind; examine you through and through, and sift out any form of anxiety, fear or fret.

▪ Pray and offload any unnecessary baggage in your life and ask the Lord to give you grace to ravel light throughout this year.

▪ Pray and yield your life completely to Him.

• Activate the power in the blood of Jesus to release you from any sin, or form of addiction that has kept you bound in the past years and declare your liberty to serve the Lord in holiness.

• Pray against strange and ungodly desires, lust of the eyes and the flesh, satanic seductions that militate against your Christian walk.

• Thank the Lord that He is faithful and just to forgive you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness.

The link can be found BELOW and on the "HOME" tab of the Church App. The quick points can also be found in the "MEDIA" tab.

Please note that all prayer meetings will be on the Battle Axe Prayer Line. The only exception is each Friday, we will meet IN PERSON at House of Restoration, 8pm- 12am.