Day 3 of 3 Days Prayer and Fasting
(Theme) Missions for Exploits┃(Day 2) Praying for God's Healing• Scripture: ACTS 4:29 | 2 THESSALONIANS 3:1-2 •┃PRAYER POINTS BELOW.
We are fasting from 6am- 6pm (WATER ONLY UNTIL 6PM) and we are praying: 5:30am and 12pm on the Battle Axe Prayerline. At 6pm, break your fast on your own and join us in person at 8pm.
Evening schedule: Wednesday: Entire Church in person (and on Zoom: 517 232 7253) at 8pm, Thursday: Men in Prayer at House of Restoration at 7pm, Friday: Entire Church in person at 8pm
• Pray that the Lord will heal any soul that got mistreated in the Kingdom, ask the Lord to lift every disappointment and bring them back again to Himself.
• Pray that every threat our Pastor is facing for raising souls will backfire in Jesus' name.
• Ask the Lord for more miracles, signs, and wonders at House of Restoration
• Pray that the word if God will continue to be glorified at House of Restoration and beyond
The link to download the Free Conference Call app to access the Prayerline FOR FREE is below. The ID is: battle-axe.
OR the Number to dial: (605) 313 4162, Access code: 373978