Day 1 of 3 Days Prayer and Fasting
(Theme) Missions for Exploits┃(Day 1) Praying for Souls • Scriptures: HEBREWS 3:7-8 | PSALM 95:7-8 | ACTS 2: 36-37 | LUKE 15:10 •┃PRAYER POINTS BELOW.
We are fasting from 6am- 6pm (WATER ONLY UNTIL 6PM) and we are praying: 5:30am and 12pm on the Battle Axe Prayerline. At 6pm, break your fast on your own and join us for Love Net at 8pm.
Evening schedule: Wednesday: Entire Church in person at 8pm, Thursday: Men at House of Restoration at 7pm, Friday: Entire Church in person at 8pm
• Pray against rebellion or opposition to receiving the Word of God.
• Pray that lost souls will be willing to be saved and accept Jesus Christ as both their Lord and Savior.
• Pray that saved souls will not be easily influenced by the unsaved.
• Pray that House of Restoration will attract broken souls and be a solution to their needs.
The link to download the Free Conference Call app to access the Prayerline FOR FREE is below. The ID is: battle-axe.
OR the Number to dial: (605) 313 4162, Access code: 373978