Day 8 of 21 Days Prayer and Fasting

Jan 10, 2022

Ordering My Beginning┃(Day 8) Praying for the Nations┃Jeremiah 29: 7 ▪ Psalm 122: 6-7 ▪ 1 Timothy 2: 1-3
Prayer Schedule: 5:30am, 12pm, 6pm, 11:30pm & IN PERSON ON FRIDAYS 8pm- 12 am
▪ Thank the Lord for His peace and protection over the Nation and how far He has brought us
▪ Pray that the Hand of God will be upon the President, house if Senate, lawmakers, security agencies, law enforcement agencies, and all those in authority in our country
▪ Pray that the Lord will secure the President, and that the Spirit of the Lord will govern his decisions and actions
▪ Command every evil wind of destruction, plague, pestilence, civil unrest, political and financial instability to be cancelled in Jesus's Name
▪ Pray against forced of darkness assigned to invade the land and cause demonic stirrings to be apprehended by the potency of the Blood of Christ
▪ Pray for God's protection over you, your family and all the Saints of God in the land

For more prayer points and information about fasting, please download the "Fasting and Prayer Guide" by Pastor Joe Asmah on Amazon. The link can be found BELOW and on the "HOME" tab of the Church App. The quick points can also be found in the "MEDIA" tab.

Please note that all prayer meetings will be on the Battle Axe Prayer Line. The only exception is each Friday, we will meet IN PERSON at House of Restoration, 8pm- 12am.