Day 19 of 21 Days Prayer and Fasting
Ordering My Beginning┃(Day 19) Enforcing Prophetic Decrees of Blessings┃Ezekiel 37:9 ┃Make These Prophetic Declarations!
Prayer Schedule: 5:30am, 12pm & IN PERSON TODAY 8pm- 12am (Click "MORE" To View Declarations)
▪ I prophesy and decree that my mourning shall be turned into dancing
▪ I prophesy and declare that the Lord shall be my glory and lifter of my head bringing me honor in Jesus's Name! Amen
▪ I prophesy and declare that I will spend my days in prosperity and my years in pleasure in Jesus's Name. Amen
▪ I prophesy that my light will shine, and my star will not be hidden in Jesus's Name. Amen
▪ I prophesy that the Lord will crown me with His Goodness and my paths will drip with abundance in Jesus's Name. Amen!
▪ I declare that the Lord will make me a thousand times stronger than my enemies in Jesus's Name
▪ I prophesy that no story of my life shall be concluded by determination of my enemies in Jesus's Name. Amen
▪ I, hereby, superimpose God's plan and original intent for me and all that concerns me, against evil plans, ambitions and schemes, and I declare an immediate reversal of every cycle and pattern that has been set in motion to lead me into destruction in Jesus's Name! Amen!
▪ I declare it! I confess it! I decree it! I believe it. It is mine! I will not denied! I possess it! I claim it! By faith I receive it in the Matchless Name of Jesus! Amen
For more prayer points and information about fasting, please download the "Fasting and Prayer Guide" by Pastor Joe Asmah on Amazon. The link can be found BELOW and on the "HOME" tab of the Church App. The quick points from previous days can also be found in the "MEDIA" tab.
Please note that all prayer meetings will be on the Battle Axe Prayer Line. The only exception is each Friday, we will meet IN PERSON at House of Restoration, 8pm- 12am.