Day 1– Raising a Memorial of Thanksgiving
3 Days Prayer and Fasting // Wed. June 29- July 1 Day 1 // Raising a Memorial of Thanksgiving
Scriptures: 1 Samuel 7:12 // Psalm 124:1-8
• Thank God for keeping you alive and bringing you through the 1st six months of the year 2022.
• Bless the Lord for all His daily benefits towards us; good health, provision, protection, His goodness, His Faithfulness, and His mercies that are new each waking morning.
• Praise God for all his love towards you and lift up a memorial of thanksgiving for the first half of 2022.
• Pray that as we approach the end of the month into these second half of the year, any life that is in despair, confusion, and distress shall be touched and affected by the power of God that is at work within us.
* Pray that God will remember every home and cause the lines to fall in their pleasant places for the coming month.
Please meet us tonight at 8 PM for IN PERSON for service at House of Restoration. Please note that all prayer meetings will be on the Battle Axe Prayer Line, 5:30 am and 12 pm.
You can access our morning and afternoon prayer sessions by 1. Downloading Free Conference Call from your App Store and entering the meeting ID: battle-axe OR 2. Dialing (605) 313-4162 and entering the access code: 373978.
God bless you!