Day 3– Perfect That Which Concerns Us
Day 3 - Perfect That Which Concerns Us
Scriptures: Psalm 138:6-8 // Psalm 34:8-10
• Prophesy that there shall be divine manifestation of every promise of God in the month of July
• Prophesy God's perfection in the new month
• Declare that your lines will fall in their rightful places, and you will not be disappointed
• Pray for divine acceleration for everything that has been held back in your life
• Pray for the over-takers’ anointing to retrieve and recover everything that you have been robbed of in the year
• Pray that whatever your name is attached to shall bring you favor in the month of July
Please meet us tonight at 8 PM IN PERSON for prayer service at House of Restoration. Please note that all other prayer meetings will be on the Battle Axe Prayer Line, 5:30 am and 12 pm.
You can access our morning and afternoon prayer sessions by 1. Downloading Free Conference Call from your App Store and entering the meeting ID: battle-axe OR 2. Dialing (605) 313-4162 and entering the access code: 373978.
Your Lines Have Already Fallen into Pleasant Places!