Apr 3, 2024    Pastor Joe Asmah


Paul’s Arrival and Labors at Corinth, Where He Is Rejoined by Silas and Timothy, and, under Divine Encouragement, Makes a Long Stay—At Length, Retracing His Steps, by Ephesus, Caesarea, and Jerusalem, He Returns for the Last Time to Antioch, Thus Completing His Second Missionary Journey.


The spread of the gospel requires a team effort by individuals with different gifts. In Corinth, Paul met Priscilla and Aquila, a married couple (and fellow tentmakers) who proved to be faithful partners in the gospel (see Romans 16:3; 1 Corinthians 16:19; 2 Timothy 4:19).

Paul’s ministry in this decadent city was long and fruitful (18:11). Not even a concerted effort by the Jews could stop him from teaching the Word. When brought into court in Achaia, Paul was quickly released by Gallio, the proconsul, who adamantly refused to intervene in their disagreement over “words and names and … Jewish laws” (18:15). This favorable decision enabled the gospel to continue to spread throughout the Roman Empire

Evidence from Paul’s epistles suggests the great apostle launched out on his third missionary trip in an attempt to undo the damage caused among the churches by numerous opponents of the gospel. Beginning at Antioch, Paul journeyed in a northwesterly direction through Galatia and Phrygia (18:23), eventually coming to Ephesus on the west coast of Asia Minor. There he met some believers who, like Apollos, knew only John’s baptism and had only a sketchy understanding of the gospel. Their reception of the Spirit confirmed Paul’s authority as an apostle and gave them equal standing in the church.

Paul spends over two years in Ephesus preaching about Jesus and teaching the implications of the Gospel. Ephesus becomes an epicenter where “the message about the Lord spread widely and had a powerful effect” Acts 19:20


What does the relationship between Paul, Aquila and Pricilla teach us about work and ministry? 

Can a couple be intimate in marriage and still flow together in ministry? What will prevent a couple from being a dynamic duo for God?

Why did some of the people in Corinth oppose the preaching of the Gospel? What do we learn about facing oppositions when presenting the Gospel, and what should be our approach? (Acts 18:4-17)

Was the zeal and enthusiasm of Apollos wrong? (Acts 18:24-28)

What is the best way to approach or correct people teaching wrong doctrines in the Church?

In Chapter 19, what characterizes Paul’s ministry in Ephesus, and what is unusual about it?

What do we learn about miracles in Acts 19:8-20?

Why did the demons jump on the sons of Sceva? What do we learn about casting out demons?