CHAPTERS 1-2: (Click "Notes" for more notes)
Jesus’ death and resurrection reshape the hope of the disciples.
Jesus is viewed no longer as a political messiah liberating Israel from Rome but as the King building a new, spiritual Kingdom. This Spiritual Kingdom would be guided by Scripture and empowered by the Holy Spirit.
The Scriptures provide guidance and interpretation for all events both before and after the Holy Spirit descends from heaven. Peter refers to the Psalm of David to mandate Judas's replacement. (Psalm 69:25; 109:8)
50 days after Jesus’ death the Holy Spirit comes upon the 120 assembled disciples. Peter interprets this experience through the lens of Scripture quoting Joel 2:28-32. Years of accompanying Jesus have taught Peter and the disciples the primacy of Scripture. Jesus often referred to His activity as fulfilling what was written before by the prophets. Scripture alone interprets life correctly.
(Have the Pod read the first 2 chapters together, taking turns in reading. After Reading reflect on the questions below?)
What promises does Jesus give to those who wait in Jerusalem, and what is not for them to know (Acts 1:4-11.
How is Jesus’ promise fulfilled
How do Peter and the remaining disciples choose Judas’ successor, and what lessons does that process teach us?
What is the focus of Peter’s message and how do the people respond? To what activities do the believers devote themselves, and what does this teach us about the Church?