God calls His children out of His churches to take His gospel to all peoples. The gospel of Jesus Christ confronts allegiances to the other religious systems of the 1st century- Judaism, Greek mythology, angel worship, mystery cults, animism, etc.
In every place that Paul and Barnabas preach, the confrontation begins with the religious Jews. Jealous of the crowds that Paul and Barnabas attract, some Jews follow them around and incite people against them. They are intolerant of the proclamation about Christ, even though Paul proves Jesus is the Messiah from their own Scriptures.
Preaching the resurrection of Christ and forgiveness of sins attracts opposition. The Resurrection signifies that God is satisfied with Christ’s substitutionary death for the penalty of sin. The offer of forgiveness of sin demands personal acknowledgement of sin and the need for cleansing. Christ, as humanity’s only hope, demands full allegiance.
How does God deliver Peter, and how does the Church respond when God answers their prayers?
What happens to Herod, and how does this affect the Church?
Whom does God call out of the Church to Antioch, and who sends them out?
Where do they go first and why? (Acts 4:36)
How does God confirm Paul’s teaching to the governor? LMK
How does Paul use a chronological story in the synagogue at Antioch of Pisidia?
What does he declare about Jesus and how do the people respond?