Day 5 of 5 Days Prayer and Fasting

Jun 30, 2023    Pastor Joe Asmah

(Theme) Intercession For Exemption┃(Day 5) Petitioning for the Peace of Jerusalem and the World • Scriptures: Psalm 122:6-7 | Isaiah 52:9 | Zechariah 8:3 | Isaiah 62:6-7┃PRAYER POINTS BELOW.

We are fasting from 6am- 6pm (WATER ONLY UNTIL 6PM) and we are praying: 5:30am and 12pm on the Battle Axe Prayerline.

In person schedule: MONDAY: GEN’NEXT (13yrs-35yrs) Prayer @6:30pm, TUESDAY: WISE BUILDERS (All Ladies) Prayer @7pm, WEDNESDAY: ENTIRE CHURCH Prayer @7pm, THURSDAY: MASTER BUILDERS (All men) Prayer @7pm, FRIDAY: HEALING AND MIRACLE SERVICE @10pm (to crossover)

* Please check on the app or WhatsApp chats for any additions to the schedule


• Thank God, for the gift of His Holy City Jerusalem and the entire world.

• Pray for the safety and security of Jerusalem, asking God to protect the city and everyone that dwells in it from any conspired violence, conflict and mass destruction by the enemy.

• Declare for the peace and unity of all people within Jerusalem and the entire world, regardless of their religious or ethnic background and ask for the Lord's prosperity to be within our homes.

• Prophecy that the Lord will redeem and revive the city of Jerusalem from any waste. May anything they have lost due to disobedience or demonic attack be restored by the Blood of Jesus.

• Pray for the spiritual well-being of the world, asking God to revive faith and bring about spiritual transformation in every country.

• Declare that the Lord's glory shall return and dwell among us.

• Petition Heaven to set His angels as watchmen over the world to prevent any sudden attacks and wars as we step into the second half of the year.

• Pray for the leaders and government officials in the world, asking God to grant them wisdom and discernment to make decisions that promote peace and justice.

The link to download the Free Conference Call app to access the Prayerline FOR FREE is below. The ID is: battle-axe.