Day 2 of 5 Days Prayer and Fasting
(Theme) Intercession For Exemption┃(Day 1) Praying Against Sudden Attacks On Your Personal Life • Scriptures: Joshua 24:15 | Exodus 12:13 | Judges 6:25-29┃PRAYER POINTS BELOW.
We are fasting from 6am- 6pm (WATER ONLY UNTIL 6PM) and we are praying: 5:30am and 12pm on the Battle Axe Prayerline.
In person schedule: MONDAYS: GEN’NEXT (13yrs-35yrs) Prayer @6:30pm, TUESDAYS: WISE BUILDERS (All Ladies) Prayer @7pm, WEDNESDAYS: ENTIRE CHURCH Prayer @7pm, THURSDAYS: MASTER BUILDERS (All Gentlemen) Prayer @7pm, FRIDAYS: HEALING AND MIRACLE SERVICE @8pm
* Please check on the app or WhatsApp chats for any additions to the schedule
• Thank the Lord for being a shield for you and your family this first half of the year.
• Pray and come against any satanic and demonic altars that the enemy has set to kill, steal and destroy you and your family's destiny.
• Prophesy that you and your entire household will serve the Lord; including every child.
• Pray that any sickness and diseases that fights your bloodline will not prevail and ask the Lord to satisfy you with long life and good health.
• Prophesy that the Blood shall be a sign over your home as you step into the second half of the year, and declare that no one in your household will die before their time.
• Pray that the God of the Angel Armies will contend on your families behalf and give you victory over any area of struggle.
• Thank the Lord for answered prayer concerning your family.
The link to download the Free Conference Call app to access the Prayerline FOR FREE is below. The ID is: battle-axe.