Day 1 of 5 Days Prayer and Fasting
(Theme) Intercession For Exemption┃(Day 1) Praying Against Sudden Attacks On Your Personal Life • Scriptures: Revelation 12:7-11 | Mathew 11:12 | Job 5:12 | Nahum 1:7-9┃PRAYER POINTS BELOW.
We are fasting from 6am- 6pm (WATER ONLY UNTIL 6PM) and we are praying: 5:30am and 12pm on the Battle Axe Prayerline.
In person schedule: MONDAYS: GEN’NEXT (13yrs-35yrs) Prayer @6:30pm, TUESDAYS: WISE BUILDERS (All Ladies) Prayer @7pm, WEDNESDAYS: ENTIRE CHURCH Prayer @7pm, THURSDAYS: MASTER BUILDERS (All Gentlemen) Prayer @7pm, FRIDAYS: HEALING AND MIRACLE SERVICE @8pm
* Please check on the app or WhatsApp chats for any additions to the schedule
• Thank the Lord for how far He has brought you individually this year.
• Ask the Lord to set His spotlight on your heart to search you, purge and purify you by the blood and not permit anything to stand in between you and your prayer this week.
• Pray against sudden attacks, devices and schemes that is targeted against your personal life, may God frustrate the device of the crafty and nullify his plans.
• Plead the blood of Jesus Christ over any contention over you soul, declare that you have victory over any inner war in your life.
• Pray and put your trust in God and declare that as you step into the second half of this year affliction will not rise up the second time in your personal life.
• Thank God for delivering you from any Satanic traps and onslaughts.
The link to download the Free Conference Call app to access the Prayerline FOR FREE is below. The ID is: battle-axe.