Day 3 of 5 Days Prayer and Fasting
(Theme) Intercession For Exemption┃(Day 3) Praying Against Blockers of the Advancement of the Church • Scriptures: Nehemiah 4:1-4 | Matthew 16:18 | Psalm 35:5┃PRAYER POINTS BELOW.
We are fasting from 6am- 6pm (WATER ONLY UNTIL 6PM) and we are praying: 5:30am and 12pm on the Battle Axe Prayerline.
In person schedule: MONDAYS: GEN’NEXT (13yrs-35yrs) Prayer @6:30pm, TUESDAYS: WISE BUILDERS (All Ladies) Prayer @7pm, WEDNESDAYS: ENTIRE CHURCH Prayer @7pm, THURSDAYS: MASTER BUILDERS (All Gentlemen) Prayer @7pm, FRIDAYS: HEALING AND MIRACLE SERVICE @8pm
* Please check on the app or WhatsApp chats for any additions to the schedule
• Thank the Lord for His goodness and mercies toward the Church.
• Pray against any gathering of people that have conspired in anger against the growth of the Church and ask the Lord to silence their voice.
• Pray that God will make us a church of relevance and declare that we will not rise only for a season and fall out, but we will be impactful through generations.
• Prophesy the the Lord will raise the church to be a beacon of light and a Restoration Center not just to the city of Elizabeth but to the four corners of the world.
• Pray that the Lord will answer any prayer placed at the altar of the church by the saints with tangible results.
• Declare that any spying spirit that fights the progress and advancement of the Church be destroyed and ask the wind of the Lord to scatter them like stubble.
The link to download the Free Conference Call app to access the Prayerline FOR FREE is below. The ID is: battle-axe.