The Sacrifice of Praise

Jul 13, 2022    Pastor Joe Asmah

Sacrifice by definition is the giving up of something for someone else or for another purpose. All through the Bible Sacrifices have been required by God. The entire Book of Leviticus is dedicated to the various types of Sacrifices that people of Israel were expected to make to God in order to please Him. The greatest example of Sacrifice is how God gave up His only begotten Son to reconcile us back to Himself.

In return to the sacrifices God made for us, He expects us to make sacrifices to Him. The fruit of our lips can become a sacrifice of praise because we don’t always feel like it. When life happens and it looks like all hope is gone, praising God becomes a sacrifice. When the doctor's report is life threatening and contrary to what you had hoped for, your praise, as difficult as it may seem, exalts God over that report. We praise God when we feel like it, and we praise Him when we don’t feel like it.

Praise is our thankful response for what He has done - but it is also befitting even when there’s no specific gift in our hand. The Lord is worthy to be praised solely for who He is.

1. Lift up your voice to God and just praise Him for who He is, for what He has done and for what He hasn’t yet done.
2. Declare the goodness of the Lord and tell Him how grateful you are to Him.