The Poisonous Root of Bitterness

Jul 22, 2022

All of us, at one point in our lives, have or will experience some sort of pain or betrayal that can easily make you bitter. Though we can’t control the outcome, we’re called to do everything possible to live at peace with others, even those who have hurt us. So we are warned to watch out so that bitterness does not destroy us.

We must watch out and do everything possible to fight against bitterness. If it is not dealt with and uprooted, it can cause you to miss out on God’s peace because the root of bitterness defiles and poisons your heart.

Bitterness can be so dangerous because it eats you up like a deadly disease. On the outside, one may look normal but on the inside it will damage your life. It is not a sin when someone hurts you but if not handled properly it can ruin your soul. The more you think about what was done to you, the bitter you become. Bitterroot produces poisonous fruit.
“Watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up to trouble you, corrupting many”

1. Pray and release from your heart anyone that has deeply wounded or hurt you. Declare that you have forgiven them.
2. Pray that the Holy Spirit will fill your heart and mind with pure joy, and genuine love for all, especially those that are too difficult to love.