The Movement of the Holy Spirit

Jul 26, 2022    Pastor Joe Asmah

Our Master and Lord compares the movement of the Holy Spirit to that of the wind. It blows wherever it wishes, you can hear the sound of the wind but you cannot tell where it is coming from or where it goes. This is the same with a person that is filled with the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is Sovereign. He moves where He wants. Nobody can determine where God’s Spirit moves. When He moves, there is growth, success, direction and illumination. That means you can’t forecast what the Spirit will do, or who He will use. It can only be known by revelation.

When the Holy Spirit fills your life, discouragement, frustration, fear, timidity and darkness are banished. He brings boldness and sets your life in Order. He scatters any Satanic elements gathered against your life. Today, be confident in the power of the Holy Spirit that is at work within you.

1, Pray for a fresh move of the Holy Spirit over your soul today to do exploits to His glory
2. Pray that whatever the enemy has gathered against you will be scattered by the Wind of the Holy Spirit, and gather for you that which the enemy has scattered.