Represent Christ Well

Jul 12, 2022    Pastor Joe Asmah

Because of what Christ has done for us, we must continue to live in obedience to the Way of God. We must be on guard regarding our faith in Christ, stand firm and hold fast to the Gospel and to the faith we profess.
Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

It means, we must make the decision to serve Jesus, and respond in obedience to His Word and His Spirit. Working out your own salvation is a daily decision to live for Christ. It requires intentionality and effort.

Becoming like Christ in today’s world might seem challenging, but we can do it through the example He laid up for us. We are not called to live in isolation because of all the sins in our world today. We must become the light that will shine. Break the pot that holds the glory and let your light shine forth.

Strive to live a blameless life, without complaining in petty arguments with one another.
We must represent Christ faithfully. Hold fast to the Word of Life. Represent Christ well.

Ask the Lord to break you, mold you, fill you and use you as a vessel of hope to those who have lost hope.
Pray that you will become a shining light and a conduit of grace to anyone that comes into contact with you today.