There is Abundant Life in Christ Jesus

Jul 21, 2022    Pastor Joe Asmah

Satan’s agenda is to always deprive you of a good life, both in your present life and in eternity, but Jesus’ purpose and plan is to bring you life in abundance and in full. That fullness of life is given based on the readiness to receive Christ.

Satan wants to take your joy from you. However, he can't take your joy unless you give it to him. When he is able to take your joy, it prevents you from enjoying that abundant type of life that God wants you to experience.

Even though as believers in Christ we are supposed to walk in freedom in every area of our lives, we can see that too many Christians are living their lives in defeat. There’s frustration, confusion, depression, and lack of clarity. The condition of your heart is determinant to the life that emanates from you. If the heart is filled with bitterness, anger, grudge, unforgiveness and the like, it then becomes grounds for Satan to harass the believer. However, if the heart is centered on Christ, you are sure to exhibit a life of joy and in abundance.

1. Ask the Lord to heal your heart of any bitterness, unforgiveness or anything that prevents you from living a life of abundance in Christ Jesus.
2. Invite Jesus into your heart! Yield your emotions to Him and ask the Holy Spirit to be in absolute control of your inner thoughts.