Allow Others to Draw from You

Jul 14, 2022    Pastor Joe Asmah

The Samaritan woman came to the well with shame on her mind. She was avoiding human contact, but the stranger at the well was probably little more than an inconvenience. Jesus being aware of His assignment and the reason He had to go through Samaria initiated a conversation concerning water. Jesus offered the Woman an eternal water of salvation.

How often at the supermarket, gas station, or even in church do we pass by people loaded down with guilt? We are surrounded by people who are deeply broken. But when shown real concern, these same people find great relief in unburdening themselves.

When you greet someone with “How are you?,” do you stop long enough to show him or her that you really want to know? Do you allow others to draw from you?

We must identify with the weaknesses of others and refresh them. Instead of condemning people and judging them, we must give them the water of hope and restoration to help them back on their feet.

1. Ask the Lord to fill you with the Holy Spirit and cause your life to overflow with living waters so that others may be blessed through you.
2. Pray and intercede on behalf of anyone that may be broken and feels like giving up this morning.