Give It Your All

Jul 19, 2022    Pastor Joe Asmah

We are all loaded with gifts and abilities. You were created with so much to offer your world. God has placed on you a blessing to be a blessing to humanity. You carry purpose. You were given a mandate to have dominion and replenish the earth. This is the reason you are still alive. It is the reason for your existence especially in the times that we are living in. The world is waiting for the leader residing in you to manifest.

All around you, in the workplace, the mall, the train station and the classroom, are needy people. We can’t close our eyes, and heart and not become a blessing. You are an answer to somebody’s prayer. Somebody in a far-flung land is calling your name. Purpose is calling and crying for your attention.

Today, I challenge you to wake up, shake the dust off and become a problem solver. The gift or talent you carry, your blessing is not for you only. It is for your generation and beyond. You can and should be a blessing in the realm of your influence. You have what it takes, so Give It Your All.

1. Pray and surrender your all to the Lord, and ask Him to use you for His glory.
2. Pray that, by the power of God, you will be a blessing to someone today. Declare that God will make you an answer to someone’s prayer request in Jesus’ name.