Be Careful What You Say
It is true that God has given you the power of choice, however, the Bible says in all your ways acknowledge him and He will direct your paths. When you invite God into your choices as a witness, because He is a legal God, He will stand in as such. But if you make Him the author and finisher of your faith, and the source of your choices, He will script your life into perfection and lead you in your choices.
Whatever we covenant our lives into, in the area of our souls, remain in place and God will respect those choices until we submit them to Him to be broken. In the same way, the things you say or have said and didn’t even consider can ensnare you. You are a sum total of whatever you say. In other words, what you say determines what kind of fruit you get.
Stop fussing at God and start checking what has been coming out of your mouth, What you say is what you get! If you make a vow, God holds you to it even if it’s wrong. It becomes a legal thing in the spirit and God requires that you pay it. Do not say it so others can hear and be impressed, rather say it so your soul will receive instruction on what to believe and agree with no matter the situations in your life or what is happening around you.
1. Ask the Lord for wisdom to make the right decisions
2. Pray that the Lord will give you the tongue of the wise to know what to say at all times.