Knowing God’s Love

Apr 26, 2022    Pastor Joe Asmah

God knows everything about you, including your past, present and future. There is nothing about you that takes God by surprise. He doesn’t miss a thing. He knows your name, your address, where you are this very second and your future.

And here is the amazing part; He knows everything about you and He still loves you. There are no “ifs” in His love towards you. He loved you even when you didn’t love yourself and that love existed even before you were born.

Please note that there are many things that God doesn’t approve of, yet His love for us is still constant. What we refuse to do, does not change how much He holds us dearly in His heart. God’s unconditional love just means He continues to love us even when we blow it.

He waits for us patiently to return and with an open arm and a warm embrace He welcomes us back when we behave like the prodigal son. It is important to hold the truth that God never stops loving us even when we grieve Him. His love for us will never change. God truly loves you!

1. Thank the Lord for His love towards you.
2. Affirm your love to Him. Tell Him how much you appreciate His love.