God Gives More Grace
Grace is defined as the unmerited Favor of God towards humanity. Grace has many faces, and God gives it to whomever He pleases. However, James makes us know that Humility can attract God’s grace to a person. True humility is a reflection of our Lord and Savior. We do not have an inherent light of our own, but a reflective light from God. If Christ lives in us then, we will surely become like Him.
The Bible admonishes us to be humble. God resists the proud but gives grace to the person that humbles himself. All godly action begins with the “renewing of the mind.” Right thinking produces right actions. Our actions are the fruit of our deepest thoughts. A life of humility pursues a Christ-like behavior.
It is important for us to remember that our Christian walk is a life after the attitude of Christ. The only way to a successful Christian living is to imitate Christ. That is to say that we must have the Mind of Christ, because we are followers of Him. Christ was fully God, but He limited Himself in such a way that He could also be completely human. God exalted Him highly and gave Him the name that is above every name. If you humble yourself, God will give you every grace you need in every situation.
Pray and surrender your will and desires to God, and ask Him to empower you to live a life that pleases the Father.
Ask the Lord to give you more grace as you journey through this season of Order.