Love is Everything

Feb 10, 2022    Pastor Joe Asmah

Love is one word that has been abused and misused. When the subject of love is raised, many people fizzle, frown and fume because of their experiences with the subject of love. One aspect of human nature is that we often become a little insensitive to the fact that there are people around us who are hurting, who need love, who need care, who need concern.

The Covid-19 pandemic has taught us that no one is invincible. Sometimes it takes an unexpected rocking of our world for us to be sensitive and start focusing a little bit more on other people. Tragedies are often a wake-up call to the fact that life is bigger than our very selves. What matters most in life is not your gifts, ministry, wealth, academic degrees or accomplishments. What matters most is LOVE. The world needs love and people of faith must become that beacon of love to the world. If you can love God, love your Christian brother or sister, it must cascade to the rest of the world including those who oppose us.

Make every effort today to show love to the people around you. Be intentional in letting the people you love know and hear you say that you truly love them. Love is Everything.

Prayer Points:
1. Pray that genuine love will fill the church
2. Pray that the Love of God in us will compel us to share Christ with many who do not know the Lord.
3. Pray that the Lord will remove hatred from our world today and fill our hearts with love for all.
4. Ask God to make you an ambassador of peace in the Church and in the world.