Abide in the Vine

May 13, 2022    Pastor Joe Asmah

of God’s grace. We must, therefore, have a deep, abiding fellowship with Christ.

No branch bears fruit instantaneously. Fruit is a result of a process. Bearing fruit requires pruning, which means cleansing. The vinedresser cleanses the tree of bugs and disease so that it can yield more fruits. Failure to abide in the Vine produces spiritual disaster. But when we abide in Christ the result is enormous. The way to abide in Christ is to walk in obedience.

There are many things that can attack our confidence when we take our eyes off God and His Word. Natural circumstances will begin to become more real than the Word of God. However, if we continue to engage in God’s Word, we will gain the confidence we need to overcome the negative circumstances in the world. We have the victory that overcomes the world The enemy may scheme all he wants but you must determine to remain in the True Vine. His Word abiding in you is your guarantee for victory.

Pray that you will be planted in the Lord at all times.
Ask the Lord to prune and cleanse you from anything that hinders your fruitfulness.