Covenant Relationships

Feb 11, 2022    Pastor Joe Asmah

A great truth about life is that nobody succeeds alone. We were created for connection.
God is relational and so are His people. The Bible clearly states that our God is a God of covenant and
His people are covenant people. Without covenant relationships within the body of Christ, we will be shallow, powerless and vulnerable.

The same covenant that brings us into a relationship with Christ is the same that binds us to those who are in Christ. We must therefore be intentional in building relationships with one another. It is easy to love and accept those who look, talk and act like us, but we need different people to complement us.

We must look out for and be there for each other. We should make the effort to give our time, energy, insight and possessions to others if they need them. As we walk in covenant with God and with one another, we will be empowered to be salt and light in our world. Let’s be committed to being God’s covenant people, His church!

1. Pray that God will surround you with covenant relationships
2. Ask the Lord to give wisdom to build healthy and lasting relationships
3. Pray the Lord will knit the hearts of the Church together.
4. Ask the Lord to use you as a destiny helper in covenant relationships.