Keep Your Eyes on the Goal

Jun 28, 2022    Pastor Joe Asmah

The Christian life is a journey not to point, but unto eternity.
Our goal is to know Jesus, become like Him and to be with Him in Glory.
This weighs our Purpose and Journey into a full life found in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Therefore, be mindful and intentional about how you travel in this journey. The more baggage you add to your life, the harder it can be to move forward. God calls us to remove what is weighing us down and follow Him with single-minded devotion. Our Spiritual maturity results from pursuing Christ and His righteousness.

God notices all you do for Him and will reward you accordingly, but only if it comes as a loving response to his free gift of salvation. Take a sober reflection of the first half of the year, and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to you areas you must improve on into the second half of the year.

1. Ask the Lord for renewed strength as you approach the second half of the year.
2. Pray that you will not faint or grow weary as you press on to become like Jesus.