Let Your Faith Point Others to Christ
Our words create impressions that either facilitate or complicate all other communication. Be gentle with your speech, as much as possible avoid useless and argumentative conversation.
Your appearance, your lifestyle and specific behaviors must be consistent with the gospel. You must conduct yourself as a representative of Christ in your daily living. When we say the right words and live the right way but lack love, we are demonstrating a legalistic view of God’s expectations.
People around you will always want to understand what motivates your speech, your modest life, and your love life. They will want to know more about the secret to your blessed life. Your faith must become a voice that will ring in the ears of others when they are experiencing challenging times. Faith finally speaks clearly when your words, modest life, and love have created a hearing.
Invest time into reading the Word and allow the Word of God to shape your life.
This is the surest way to be successful and prosper.
1. Pray daily that God will help you to stay focused.
2. Pray that your life will become a living testimony to the world