Become Like Christ
Jesus was passionate about his assignment of laying down His life for others. He was so passionate about people that He was willing to die for them. That is the true essence of sacrifice. To become like Him, we must share in the passion for others. Put others first. The world system teaches you to put yourself first, and others last but faith teaches the contrary.
Christ didn't hold back or draw a line. He completely emptied himself. Our master and teacher traded His heavenly kingdom for a manger. He gave up his position and made himself a servant. He gave up the title of Son of God to become Son of man. He lived in the same weakness as man, but he did not sin. He lived in complete obedience to his Father, and endured a humiliating, painful and barbaric crucifixion.
The attitude of Jesus should affect how we treat one another as believers. We must imitate his obedience and humility. We must demonstrate a christ-like humility every day towards others.
Prayer points:
1. Pray and ask the Lord to empower you with grace to become like him
2. Pray and ask the holy spirit to work in your soul and body, take away self and pride, and fill and make you an example to others around you.