Show Kindness

Feb 9, 2022    Pastor Joe Asmah

There is a saying that “what goes around comes around.” This saying is so true because it has Scriptural and Spiritual root, “Whatsoever a man sows so shall he reap” (Galatians 6:7) What we fail to realize is that, in life every act of kindness is a seed that is sown for the future. Even though we don’t expect to receive it back, it goes a long way to bless the hand that received the act of kindness.

My personal definition of kindness is to sacrifice one’s comfort to cloth someone’s discomfort. Kindness is reaching out to help without expecting any form of thank you. When you least expect and you are given, the joy is immeasurable, and you are most grateful. But when you expect, and you are not given, you are broken hearted.

Kindness is birthed out of love and selflessness. It is an act, or outward expression of love. Whenever we show kindness, it strikes a chord in eternity, because God by nature and character is a kind God. Make today a day of kindness. Go out of your way to show a little kindness. Pay for the coffee of the guy behind you in that drive-through, send a cash-app gift to that old friend. Show a little kindness today.

Prayer Points:
1. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring to your mind someone that you’ve forgotten about so that you can show that person some kindness today
2. Pray that the Spirit of the Lord will stir up your heart with kindness towards people you might know and those you’ve never met before.
3. Pray for the homeless, the less fortunate and the hungry. Ask the Lord to send divine supply to them.
4. Thank the Holy Spirit for filling your heart with kindness.