Favor as with a Shield

Jun 29, 2022    Pastor Joe Asmah

One of the tragedies in Christianity today is lack of understanding of what favor can do. Oftentimes people have the wrong priorities in their pursuit of destiny. Some think what you need is to know someone in a position of influence to support them. Others think that what they need is money to pay a bribe or appease someone in order to secure favor!

Your destiny is not determined by your speed, strength or will but by the favor of God upon your life! You are promoted because of favor! Favor will take you beyond who you know, personal wealth, achievements and education.

Regardless of where you are and what friends, family, or life has done to you, favor will dig you out into honor and glory! When God favors you, He grants you His Divine Presence. As we go into the new Month I pray that God will surround you with favor as with a Shield.

1. Pray and thank God for surrounding you with favor to live to see the end of another month.
2. Declare this: “This is my set time of favor, I will not be denied of my blessing in Jesus’s name, Amen!”