Taking Authority by Faith
It is important to note that the Christian walk is a walk of faith, and there needs to be a continuous quest to grow and increase in faith. You must raise your level of faith to receive your blessing. Your whining, squabbling and complaining doesn’t lower God’s standard.
Our emotion doesn’t move God. The only thing that moves God is your faith. When faith meets promise miracles will happen. There is a victory to those who will live by faith. Four times in the Bible, God says to us, “The just shall live by faith.”
When God honors the faith of His people, the results greatly exceed bounds of reason or moderation. There is an enemy who doesn’t want you to please God. You must fight the good fight of faith. Your life must be a life of faith testimonies. The focus of every battle you fight is a battle for your faith. When you lose your faith, you have nothing left. If there is an attack against your health, it is an attack over your faith. The object of your attack is your faith. No matter what Satan throws at you if your faith is intact you will prevail.
1. Nullify by faith, any negative tongue or weapon raised against you, and declare that any evil spoken against you shall be proved wrong.
2. Pray that every good thing that God has designed for you today will not be denied but gain fulfillment.