Divine Grace

May 3, 2022    Pastor Joe Asmah

As you journey through life, one thing you cannot be oblivious to is the importance of God’s Grace. Grace is simply defined as the unmerited favor of God.
Grace is God’s gift to us expressed in His actions. By grace God bestows on us His mercy, goodness, lovingkindness and protection, not because of anything outstanding we may have done. It is in His nature to be gracious to us. Grace is the character and integrity of God.

Grace allows God to forgive us our sins and gifts us with His mercy. It makes it possible for us to confidently enter into the presence of God and pray to Him. Grace gives us access and acceptance into the family of God by reason of the shed blood of Christ. Grace makes it possible for us to receive unmerited benefits and to be called children of God. By grace we have become a reflection of God in character and relationship. By grace we receive unmerited favor. Grace makes you humble.

I pray that the Grace of God will abound to you and cause you to grow in the Lord. May He give you every grace to walk victorious in Jesus’ name. Amen!

“Father, I thank you for Your grace towards my life.
“I ask you, Oh Lord, to empower me with Your divine grace to labor efficiently for You.”