Grace to the Humble
As Christians we must follow the way of being, the way of believing and the way of behaving. Our lives must be a reflection of Christ. We do not have an inherent light of our own, but a reflective light from God. Just as the moon depends on the sun to give light in darkness, so must we depend on Christ to be the light of our lives.
The Bible admonishes us to be humble. God resists the proud but gives grace to the person that humbles himself. All godly action begins with the “renewing of the mind.” Right thinking produces right actions. Our actions are the fruit of our deepest thoughts. Thinking and being like Christ are requirements not only for an individual but also for the corporate body of believers.
It is important for us to remember that our Christian walk is a life after the attitude of Christ. In other words, our Lord Jesus must be our example in all things. The only way to a successful Christian living is to imitate Christ. That is to say that we must have the Mind of Christ, because we are followers of Him. We must think and act like one being, like the Person of Jesus. Christ was fully God, but He limited Himself in such a way that He could also be completely human. In Christ God became man.
1. Pray and ask the Lord to root out any seed of pride in your life.
2. Pray for grace to set aside selfishness and anything that makes you conceited, so that you can treat others with respect.