Overcoming Anxiety

Mar 1, 2022    Pastor Joe Asmah


As you press on in life, it is important to shift your focus from the enemy and his tactics and stand firm in your faith. The enemy uses anxiety, fear, discouragement and failure as barriers to your success. The more you worry about these barriers, the more distracted you become.

You lose sight of the God who promised and His ability to make good of every promise He has made. Anxiety is a form of distrust in God. To worry simply means you don’t trust God enough. Today, make a conscious effort to take all the energy from worrying and put it into prayer, praise and thanksgiving. This is how you overcome the battle over anxiety. When you focus on God’s love for you and approach Him in confidence, you will have no room to worry.

Build your trust in God by meditating on His Word day and night. If God can take care of the birds, He can take care of you. If He clothes the lilies, He can clothe you. Anxiety does not add anything positive to any situation. Set your focus on God, seek Him diligently and you will break out from the shackles of anxiety.