The Saving Grace
God in His character shows Himself compassionate, accepting, and generous to sinful human beings. His Grace is offered to all manner of people as He so desires. God, by His grace, sent His only begotten Son to die so that salvation will be available to all humanity. In His Mercy He shields us from His wrath, forgives our sins, and bestows on us His righteousness so that we can live and grow in faith and obedience.
When we acknowledge that God has graciously forgiven us all our sins, and has qualified us even though we don’t deserve it, we are encouraged to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly lusts and
yield totally to His will. Once we become saved, the grace of God places a demand on us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to Him.
Grace teaches us to separate ourselves from every activity of sin and be sold out to living a consecrated life in Christ. Today, allow grace to motivate you to live for Christ and be fully devoted to Him.