Be Content with What You Have

May 16, 2022    Pastor Joe Asmah

When all is said and done, you must feel good about yourself! King Saul couldn't stand the fact that somebody else could do it better than him. His ego caused his downfall. He spent all his energy and time throwing javelins at David even though he was the one that was occupying the throne.

To be blessed doesn't mean to be like somebody else. No matter what God gives them, many are not content because what they have doesn't look like what others have. When you keep comparing yourself to somebody else, you make that person an idol in your life. The antidote to unhealthy comparison is contentment. Run according to the drumbeat you hear on the inside not the outside. You must support and encourage others and not compete with them. Your goal must be to recognize and maximize what God has put inside of you.

Never forget that there will always be someone better than you, so accept it and move. What gifts and abilities has God given you? Use them regularly in serving God and others. We must be on constant guard against falling into what can so easily destroy us. Watch against every form of bitterness, anger, grudge, unforgiveness. Set your heart on one thing and do it well. Don't try to do many things at the same time. Avoid distraction. Sometimes, all you need is to shut down your phone and Face God.

1. Ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom to live a life of contentment daily.
2. Pray for wisdom to see the best in others and to value their gifts at all times.