Serving for God’s Glory

Apr 18, 2022    Pastor Joe Asmah

To every believer, God in His wisdom has placed in you a gift that must be used in the ministry of the Church. The gift of God in you is empowered by the Holy Spirit to serve God’s glory as we serve one another. Our gifts differ one from another but they are all to be used to equip the Church.

When we as Christians acknowledge that we are of the same body, Christ, and that we are called to serve each other, it is only then that we can become effective and productive.

The gifts are not given for self-aggrandizement, or self-gain, or self enjoyment. They are for the service to others. God requires us to use our gifts and not to hide them. Whether you know it or not, the Holy Spirit in the believer endows you with a gift useful for the kingdom. We can often identify the gift when we see a need and make ourselves available to meet that need in the best way possible. Whenever you use your ability to minister to others, God is glorified.

1. Pray that the Holy Spirit will use you as a vessel of honor and God’s medium of expression to impact others in the Kingdom
2. Pray and fan into flame every gift of God in you, and declare that you will be a faithful steward to everything that God has entrusted into your hands.