Created For Relationships

Feb 2, 2022    Pastor Joe Asmah

FEBRUARY 2ND, 2022 | TODAY'S DEVOTIONAL: CREATED FOR RELATIONSHIPSWe read all through Scripture that our lives are impacted by relationships. No one is an “Island” or a lone ranger. Everything we do is built on relationships. The world is an important web of relationships and calls for cooperation between all parties to achieve a common goal. No matter how skillful, talented or wealthy one is, you cannot achieve alone. There is a natural innate need for companionship. Suffice to say that the church has become anemic when it comes to dwelling together in harmony.

The ability to interact has been suffocated by self-interest. Healthy relationships have been sacrificed for counterfeit ones because of the quest for validation, social acceptance and affirmation. We cannot be successful or achieve our dreams without involving people in one way or the other. This week be determined in your heart and mind to build healthy and lasting relationships. It starts with YOU.

Prayer Points:
1. Ask the Lord to make you an agent of love and use you to build healthy relationships.
2. Pray that God will fill your heart with Agape love.
3. Pray for all your friends, family and loved ones that it shall be well with them
4. Pray that anything that breeds jealousy, envy, bitterness in your relationship shall be uprooted in Jesus name.