It Will Work Out For Your Good
Martin Luther King once said, “you cannot stop the birds from flying over your head, but you can stop them from building a nest on your head”. People’s backstabbing knives can be God’s instrument of blessing for you. Your destiny is in the hands of God and not any man. As long as you blame people for where you are, you are empowering them to control you.
Life happens in a way that cannot be explained. Sometimes you get the opposite of what you prayed for, but God never makes a mistake. He has the ultimate power to turn things around for your good.
Gather the stones that were hailed at you and use them to build a better tomorrow. Use every accusation or disappointment to your advantage and map your way into success. Your current situation is not as important as what you do with it. We all face opportunities to be disappointed by people we thought we could rely on, we are faced with moments of stress, indecision, family conflicts, business conflicts, church conflicts among many others. It is your reaction to such situations that proves your level of maturity and what you believe.
Pray that by the power of the Holy Spirit, anything that was designed for your hurt be overturned to the glory of God.
Command every emptiness in your life to receive full restoration by the Holy Spirit.