Great and Effective Doors

May 31, 2022    Pastor Joe Asmah

It is easy to place more emphasis on religious effort than on internal faith, but God values the attitude of our hearts above all else. Don’t judge people’s spirituality by their fulfillment of duties or by their level of human activity. And don’t think that you will satisfy God by feverishly doing his work. God notices all you do for him and will reward you for it, but only if it comes as a loving response to his free gift of salvation.

You must have an honest self-talk. What is the basis of your confidence? What have you accomplished? Lots of people may rate you highly in your achievements or school tests or job performance. You may even place yourself, as Paul rated himself, high on the scale of success. But God has the last word: no other evaluations count.

Only Jesus matters, and the rest you can wrap in old newspapers and toss away. God gave salvation as a gift, not to be won by any test. Our success sometimes reflects, but never earns, God’s approval. Next time you tally up all your success, ask how Jesus Christ regards it all, or where does Jesus fit in it.

1. Pray that your eyes will locate your doors, so that you don't enter any satanic traps disguised as doors.
2. Pray that any enemy at your door shall be blinded by the power of the Holy Spirit.