Breakout in Faith!
Trial, crisis, and challenges most often are opportunities to develop our Christian character. They not only place demand on our faith, but reveal what we are truly made of in faith. There are many things that can attack our confidence when we take our eyes off of God and His promises. You don’t really know much about your faith when everything is going well for you.
Faith looks good and easy when you have a job, the family is doing great, there is money in your pocket, and you are in good health. But when all hell is breaking loose and all you have is God, then you truly know how much faith you have. Faith is the currency needed to see results.
When you are faced with life’s battles, do not allow your emotions to rule. Instead you must fight the good fight of faith. Trust in God to contend on your behalf. Stay strong in faith. Look up and keep believing. It is warfare, and it takes faith in God alone to break out. You are not a failure until you refuse to fight.
1. Decree a breakout from any chain of confinement, isolation and restrictions over your body, soul and spirit In Jesus name
2. Declare a breaking forth into promise, influence, impact and fulfillment in Jesus name.