Trust in God's Peace
We all come into this world fighting something. It is often said that life is war. Our human nature is at war with God. It starts from birth. The Creator and the created are at war with each other, but through Jesus, we can be RECONCILED to God.
Sin separated us from God but Jesus brought us back to God. He broke the wall, and the Cross of Calvary bridged the gap. The war is over because He is our PEACE! Any Peace you seek outside Jesus may give you temporary relief, but it cannot stop the raging war inside you. If you will surrender your life to Jesus today, you will find the Peace of God.
God’s Peace rules and officiates your life. Anytime a detrimental emotion like bitterness, anger, revenge, sharp words, and crazy decisions try to enter your life to distract you, the Holy Spirit within you rises to your defense and calls for your peace. The Peace of God shuts out anxiety, worry, fear. It guards your heart so the enemy can’t harass you. Trust in God for His Peace.
1. Pray that the Hand of God will be against any weapon that the enemy uses to stir strife and contentions in your life that causes depression and unrest in your soul.
2. Dismiss and dismantle any Satanic agent assigned to buffet you emotionally and spiritually; and declare God’s Perfect Peace over your life.