True Christian Behavior

Feb 3, 2022    Pastor Joe Asmah

Every healthy relationship requires love. The greatest proof of the truth of the gospel and of the reality of Jesus’ love is the love Christians show to each other. We must pursue the highest form of love, Agape love. Love must be without hypocrisy. Let love be real. Hold on to what is good and hate evil. Agape love takes delight in honoring and giving preference to others.

Be happy with those who are happy and weep with those who weep. Bless those who persecute you, don’t curse them. Live in harmony with everyone. Be a peacemaker. Don’t think you know it all, be teachable. Feed your enemies when they are hungry. Give them something to drink when they are thirsty. You heap burning coals of shame on their heads. Practice love to all and always! This is the Way of behaving, the Way of being and the Way of believing. This is what our faith is built on, unconditional love. When we walk and live by this love, it reflects in our behaviors and our faith becomes attractive to those around us.

Prayer Points:
1. Oh Lord, please teach me how to love at all times.
2. I pray that I will not pretend or walk in hypocrisy but love from the very core of who I am in Christ.
3. I pray Oh Lord, that you heal anyone that has been wounded by love and is therefore finding it difficult to love again.
4. Make us one Oh Lord, that we may cherish and be each other’s keeper.